Where you can discover a range of services catering to special needs.
1. California Autism Foundation (CAF)
Who they are: CAF is a leading provider of full life services to all people with autism and other developmental disabilities.
What they offer: A Better Chance School, Supportive Living, A Better Chance Day Programs.
Location: Richmond, California
1. Autism Delaware
Who they are: Autism Delaware helps people and families impacted by autism throughout the state of Delaware. The organization educates, advocates, raises public awareness, and promotes lifelong opportunity and acceptance. What they offer: family support, information and referral services, individualized vocational services Location: Newark, Delaware
1. Els for Autism Foundation
Who they are: It is a not-for-profit Foundation established in 2009 and located in jupiter, Florida.The Foundation established a world-class facility hosting leading-edge programs and services that are accessible to families and caregivers aroun the world.
What they offer: education, research, global outreach, recreation services, therapy services, and adult services.
Location: Jupiter, Florida
1. Alexander Leigh Center for Autism (ALCA)
Who they are: Alexander Leigh Center for Autism (ALCA) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, full day, year-round therapeutic day school for children 3-18 years old with autism spectrum disorder, OHI, multiple disabilities, developmental delay and/or intellectual disability.
What they offer: Therapeutic day school.
Location: Mchenry, Illinois
2. Aspiritech
Who they are: Aspiritech is a non-profit organization headquartered in metropolitan Chicago, with a mission to solve the employment challenge of individuals with Asperger's syndrome and high functioning autism.
What they offer: The organization has provided a meaningful career track for adults on the autism spectrum by employing well-supervised, highly skilled and trained individuals to deliver exceptional software testing and other quality assurance services to a growing number of satisfied companies.
Location: Highland Park, Illinois
1. In-Pact
Who they are: It was founded in 1980 by parents of children with autism to create an array of services to enable these children to be maintained in their own local communities.
What they offer: Rehabilitation services provided for developmentally disabled individuals. Includes group homes and various educational and health services as well as housing for low income individuals.
Location: Crown Point, Indiana
1. Balance Autism
Who they are: Balance Autism for Autistic Adults in Iowa is an organization dedicated to developing and implementing innovative solutions for people with autism.
What they offer: Applied behavior analysis services, Campus residential services, Campus vocational services, Habilitation, Youth home.
Location: Altoona, Iowa
1. Community Services for Autistic Adults (CSAAC)
Who they are: CSAAC is a nationally recognized leader in developing state-of-the-art services for people with autism and serves as a model for other agencies developing community-based housing, employment, educational and early intervention services.
What they offer: Services range from Intensive Early Intervention services for young children, to Educational Services and Residential supports for school age children, through adult services including community-based Residential and
Vocational programs.
Location: Montgomery Village, Maryland
1. New England Center for Children (NECC)
Who they are: The New England Center for Children is a private, nonprofit autism research and education center dedicated to their mission: to transform the lives of children with autism worldwide through education, research, and technology.
What they offer: Day school, residential school, ITT (Intensive Treatment Team).
Location: Southborough, Massachusetts
2. Crossroads Continuum
Who they are: Crossroads Continuum enhances the quality of life for individuals with autism and related disorders from birth through adulthood.
What they offer: Day program, Community solutions
Location: Hudson, Massachusetts
1. The Birchtree Center
Who they are: The Birchtree Center exists to promote independence, engaging relationships, and productive lives for children and youth with autism at home, at school, and in The community. Promote independence, engaging relationships productive lives for children youth with autism.
What they offer: year-round special-educational day program, center-based program, consultation, training, direct services and workshops for students, families, public schools, and community agencies throughout northern new england.
Location: Portsmouth, New Hampshire
1. New Horizons in Autism
Who they are: New Horizons in Autism, Inc. Currently maintains 16 group home facilities that serve approximately 54 adults and children with Autism.
What they offer: residential program, habilitation program.
Location: Freehold, New Jersey
1. Quality Services for the Autism Community (QSAC)
Who they are: Applied behavior analysis (ABA) is the science of applying interventions based on principles of learning and motivation to promote socially significant behavior change and to demonstrate that the intervention(s) implemented are responsible for the change in behavior.
What they offer: Day School, Community Habilitation, After School Programs, Saturday Recreation, Social Skills Group, Respite at Home, Preschool Evaluation, Emergency Respite Fund, Early Intervention Services, Special Education Teacher Support Service (SETSS), Preschool, Special Education Itinerant Teacher (SEIT).
Location: New York, New York
2. Special Citizens Futures Unlimited (SCFU)
Who they are: Special Citizens Futures Unlimited is a New York-based nonprofit organization that has been supporting adults and children with Autism for over thirty years.
What they offer: Residential services, community habilitation and respite
Location: Bronx, New York
3. Developmental Disabilities Institute (DDI)
Who they are: Developmental Disabilities Institute (DDI) was founded in 1961 to address the special education needs of children with autism and other developmental disabilities and provide therapeutic intervention.
What they offer: Adult residential care programs, Adult day habilitation programs, Early Childhood Education.
Location: Smithtown, New York
1. Gha Autism Supports
Who they are: Since 1978, GHA Autism Supports has provided services to individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder across North Carolina. The organization started with a residential program for five children, and has since expanded to offer a variety of services including vocational, educational, community, and in-home services. Today, GHA Autism Supports supports nearly 100 individuals and is recognized as a model community for those with ASD.
What they offer: residential care, supervision, education and direct professional services
Location: Albemarle, North Carolina
1. The Center for Autism
Who they are: The Center for Autism's mission is to improve the quality of life for individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders and their families.
What they offer: outpatient therapy, intensive behavioral health services, psychiatric services (medication management), family support, case management, evaluation, consultation, and training.
Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
1. Tri-Development Center of Aiken County
Who they are: Tri-Development Center of Aiken County, Inc. is recognized across the state as being a leader in the provision of services and support to our fellow citizens with disabilities. Our strong advocacy has resulted in more resources and opportunities being made available to people with disabilities in our area than can be found in many other areas of the state.
What they offer: Adult day care, Community training homes, Residential programs, Supervised living, Job coach
Location: Aiken, South Carolina
1. 29 Acres
Who they are: 29 acres was founded by a group of families who share a similar need: finding quality support services and safe housing for their young adults with autism and other neurodiverities in north texas as they age out of the school system.
What they offer: enrich 29, 29 acres transition academy, employment services, club 29
Location: Dallas, Texas
2. Autistic Treatment Center
Who they are: ATC is a private, nonprofit, 501(c)(3) corporation providing its services24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The mission of the Autism Treatment Center is to assist people with autism and related disorders throughout their lives as they learn, play, work and live in the community.
What they offer: residential, educational, therapeutic, and adult programs.
Location: Dallas, Texas
1. Utah Autism Academy
Who they are: The Utah Autism Academy (uaa) is committed to providing individualized services for children and young adults with Autism spectrum disorders and their families. Our unique collaborative approach is designed to meet the various needs of those on the spectrum in a center, community and home-based environment to help individuals gain important skills for reaching their full potential. Providing individualized services for children/young adults with Autism spectrum
What they offer: center, home and community based intensive therapeutic interventions and instruction.
Location: Orem, Utah
1. The Faison Center
Who they are: At The Faison Center, our mission is to give children and adults with autism and related challenges the best opportunity to improve their life’s journey through evidence-based practice.
What they offer: academic instruction for children and adolescents, behavioral health clinic, the Faison residence, adult day services, and The family partner program.
Location: Richmond, Virginia
2. Neuroclastic
Who they are: We are a collective of Autistic people responsive to the evolving needs and trajectory of the Autistic community. By publishing autistic voices, we are cataloguing the intersectional experiences, insights, knowledge, talents, and creative pursuits of Autistics.
What they offer: We are using this platform to support autistic business owners, scientists, authors, performers, freelancers, and artists in the pursuit of contributing something meaningful to the Greater Good. We create tangible resources to support readers in understanding what it means to be autistic, those seeking diagnosis, advocating for a child’s rights in education, seeking equal opportunity in employment settings, finding a path to a sustainable and rewarding life, obtaining therapeutic supports, and managing the struggles unique to the autistic neurotype.
Location: Lynchburg, Virginia
1. Autistic Self Advocacy Network
Who they are: The Autistic Self Advocacy Network is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization run by and for autistic people. ASAN is a national grassroots disability rights organization for the autistic community.
What they offer: Policy and legal advocacy, Making educational resources, Creating advocacy tools, Leadership training for autistic self-advocates.
Location: Washington, D.C.